Faculty & Staff
Robert Stumberg
Director and Professor of Law
202-662-9603, Robert.Stumberg@georgetown.edu
BA, with honors, Macalester College; JD, Georgetown; LLM, Georgetown .
Robert Stumberg is a professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center, where he is also the director of the Harrison Institute for Public Law.  His past positions include policy director at the Center for Policy Alternatives and legislative counsel for Montgomery County, MD.  He has 45 years of experience in policy topics that include human rights for workers, international trade and investment, climate adaptation, community food systems, economic development, and housing policy.  His recent publications include Supply chain transparency in public procurement: lessons from the apparel sector, in Public Procurement and Human Rights: Opportunities, risks and dilemmas for the state as buyer (Claire Methven O’Brien and Olga Martin-Ortega eds., Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2019); Turning a Blind Eye? Respecting Human Rights in Government Purchasing (International Corporate Accountability Roundtable, 2015); Safeguards for Tobacco Control, 39 Am. J. Law & Med. 382 (2013); and The WTO, Services and the Environment, in Handbook on Trade and the Environment (2008).
Sara Pollock Hoverter
Staff Attorney (health & food) and Adjunct Professor
202-662-4233, Sara.Hoverter@georgetown.edu
BA, Yale University; JD, Cum Laude, Georgetown; LLM, Georgetown .
Sara Hoverter is a staff attorney and adjunct professor at the Harrison Institute for Public Law at Georgetown Law. Her area of concentration is health policy, including climate change and public health, transforming food systems, Medicaid, oral health, state and federal health reform, and the use of community health workers to reach vulnerable populations. Past positions include: law clerk at the National Partnership for Women and Families, research assistant for the Center for Law and the Public’s Health, and program associate at the DC Appleseed Center. Recent publications include a chapter in Climate Change, Public Health, and the Law (2018), Human Health Impacts of Climate Change: Implications for the Practice and Law of Public Health, J. Law, Med. & Ethics, with Jill Krueger and Paul Biedrzycki (2015), Adapting to Urban Heat: A Tool Kit for Local Governments (2012), Compendium of Federal Programs with Potential for Use in Urban Heat Adaptation (Georgetown Climate Center, 2013), and guest editor, Legal Solutions in Health Reform, J. Law, Med. & Ethics, Symposium issue (Fall 2009).
Jennifer Li
Staff Attorney and Adjunct Professor
202-662-4023, Jennifer.Li@georgetown.edu
BA, New York University; JD, Fordham Law School; LLM, Georgetown
Jennifer Li leads the Harrison Institute’s work in climate adaptation, community development, and human rights. Her recent publications include a treatise chapter on local government and climate adaptation in The Law of Environmental Protection (Environmental Law Institute, 2021), as well as collaborations with the Georgetown Climate Center focusing on equitable adaptation and resilient affordable housing. Before coming to Georgetown, Jennifer was a Fulbright scholar based in New Delhi, where she researched climate policy and taught international human rights at Jindal Global Law School. In law school, she was a Crowley Scholar in International Human Rights and conducted extensive fieldwork in South and Southeast Asia. She began her career at the criminal defense firm of Brafman & Associates in New York. Jennifer received her LLM from Georgetown, JD from Fordham Law School, and BA from New York University.
Mansi Gaur
Fellow (trade and climate), 202-662-9608, Mansi.Gaur@georgetown.edu
MA, with honors, University of St. Andrews; JD, Georgetown Law
Mansi is a clinical teaching fellow with the Harrison Institute for Public Law at Georgetown Law. She completed her JD degree at Georgetown Law where she participated as a student in the Policy Clinic, focusing on international trade, climate, and labor policies. Prior to law school, Mansi worked as an analyst of climate-conscious industrial policy and was a U.S. Senate intern in Washington, DC. Mansi is from Dallas, Texas, and received her Master’s degree (with Honors in International Relations) from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
Part-time adjunct professors
Matthew Porterfield
Adjunct Professor and V.P for Policy & Research, Climate Leadership Council, Matthew.Porterfield@georgetown.edu
BA, University of Vermont; JD, Magna Cum Laude, Vermont Law School; LLM, Georgetown University
Matt Porterfield served on the Harrison Institute staff for 26 years, through June of 2022. He continues to serve as a part-time adjunct professor at the Harrison Institute while working as Vice President, Policy & Research, at the Climate Leadership Council’s Center for Climate and Trade in Washington, DC.  Matt works on various aspects of international economic law, with a particular focus on the relationship between international trade and investment rules and environmental policy. His recent publications include Framework Proposal for a US Upstream Greenhouse Gas Tax with WTO-Compliant Border Adjustments, Resources for the Future (with Brian P. Flannery, Jennifer Hillman and Jan W. Mares, 2020); Reforming the International Investment Regime through a Framework Convention on Investment and Sustainable Development, Submission to UNCITRAL’s Working Group 3 on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (with Lise Johnson and Brooke Guven, 2020); Border Adjustments for Carbon Taxes, PPMs, and the WTO, 41 U. Penn. J. Int’l L. 1 (2019); Rethinking International Investment Governance: Principles for the 21st Century, (contributing author, 2018); Assessing the Climate Impacts of U.S. Trade Agreements, 7 MICH. J. ENVT’L & ADMIN. L. 51 (with Kevin P. Gallagher and Judith Claire Schachter, 2017); and Exhaustion of Local Remedies in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? 41 YALE J. INT’L L. ONLINE 1 (2015).
Jason Newman
Adjunct Professor, newman@law.georgetown.edu
BA, Boston University; JD Georgetown University
Jason I. Newman founded the Harrison Institute, and after he retired, continues to serve as adjunct professor. Before coming to Georgetown in 1971, he served as Counsel to the D.C. City Council and the Montgomery County Council, as well as Special Counsel in the Office of Economic Opportunity. He also was a member of the congressionally appointed commission that established Home Rule for the District of Columbia in 1973. He is also the founder of an international citizen education project, Street Law Inc. Street Law started at Georgetown and is now the leader in law-related education worldwide.  The program integrates communities, courts, high schools, and prisons to educate citizens on the law and their rights.