Important Policy Information


Any information disclosed to a member of Office of Graduate Careers may be used to promote employment opportunities for LL.M. students but will not be disclosed for any other purpose without the student’s permission. There may be occasions when it is necessary to breach that confidentiality (for example, if a Office of Graduate Careers member believes significant harm may come to the student or to others). Whenever possible, such disclosure will be made only with the student’s consent.

Georgetown University Law Center Non-Discrimination Policy

Georgetown Law’s non-discrimination policy provides equal opportunity and access in its programs, activities, and employment practices; prohibits unlawful discrimination and harassment in all aspects of employment because of age, citizenship, color, disability, ethnicity, family responsibilities, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, matriculation, national origin, personal appearance, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran’s status or any other protected category; and promotes the realization of equality of opportunity in employment throughout the Law Center in accordance with the policy expressed in the University-wide Affirmative Action Plan.

24-Hour Cancellation Policy

If you have a scheduled appointment with a member of Office of Graduate Careers, but will not be able to attend, we ask that you promptly inform our office at least 24 hours in advance by cancelling your appointment through the online scheduling system. Office of Graduate Careers recognizes that emergencies can occur, and students may have legitimate reasons for not being able to make a scheduled appointment at the last minute. If you are unable to attend a scheduled meeting with less than 24 hours’ notice, please contact Office of Graduate Careers via e-mail or phone at (202) 662-9036 and ask to speak with the career counselor with whom you have the appointment.

Student Responsibilities

  1. LL.M. students are expected to treat Office of Graduate Careers members, employer representatives, other students and others participating in recruiting programs with professional courtesy and respect.
  2. LL.M. students must honor promises to attend Office of Graduate Careers-sponsored meetings, events and appointments. If you have signed up to attend an event and are unable to participate, you must promptly contact Office of Graduate Careers or the appropriate individual organizing the event. Failure to do so will result in low priority being given to you when scheduling counseling appointments or in reserving slots for space-limited events.
  3. LL.M. students must represent their qualifications accurately throughout the employment search process. They should, if requested, be prepared to provide resumes to employers. Any item listed on a student’s resume must be accurate and up-to-date.
  4. LL.M. students should be prepared to provide copies of their undergraduate and unofficial or official Georgetown Law transcripts to employers upon request. Under no circumstances should academic information be falsified, misrepresented or distorted, either orally or in writing.
  5. LL.M. students should be prepared to provide writing samples to employers upon request. Writing samples should be the original work of the student. Or, if done with others, the contribution of the student should be clearly identified. Writing samples from law-related employment must be edited to safeguard client confidentiality and used only with the permission of the supervising attorney.
  6. LL.M. students should promptly report to Office of Graduate Careers any misrepresentation, discrimination or other abuse by employers in accordance with the policies outlined in the Georgetown Law Student Handbook of Academic Policies.
  7. LL.M. students should reach an understanding with potential employers relating to expense reimbursement prior to traveling for an interview. The LL.M. student should request reasonable reimbursement for expenses that are directly related to the interview and incurred in good faith.
  8. LL.M. students should be provided at least two weeks to accept or reject an offer from an employer. However, this time may be extended by the employer or at the request of the student. Students should clarify this timeline with the employer each and every time they receive an offer.
  9. LL.M. students are expected to exhibit high standards of professional responsibility in all of their job-seeking activities. Students are cautioned to avoid even the appearance of impropriety in the preparation of their job resumes, letters, and application forms. The inclusion of material that is misleading, inaccurate, or false may be a violation of the Student Disciplinary Code. Students are expected to attend all scheduled interviews, unless the student cancels in a timely and appropriate manner. Students should view the acceptance of an offer, whether for a paid or unpaid position, as a binding commitment, and after accepting an offer, students should withdraw from consideration any applications(s) that are pending with other employers. Failure to honor commitments may have implications for the student’s reputation and that of the Law Center. If unusual or extenuating circumstances arise following an acceptance of an offer, students should consult with an LL.M. career advisor at the Law Center before taking actions that may violate this policy.