Prayer in Daily Life at the Law School
The Prayer in Daily Life at the Law School Retreat allows individuals to experience the dynamics of Ignatian prayer in the course of ordinary life. The retreat opens with a time for prayer and reflection and closes with prayer and reflection followed by dinner. Each day during the week, participants commit to 30 minutes of individual prayer with scripture and 30 minutes of reflection with a spiritual guide to talk about the day’s prayer experience. The retreat is open to students, staff, faculty, and alumni of any faith background and is generally held twice a year – once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester.
Law School Closing Arguments: Reflecting on the Person You Are Becoming
This retreat is an opportunity for Georgetown Law 3Ls and 4Es nearing the end of their legal education after years of study and growth. Participants will be invited to reflect upon their time as law students and to apply that self-knowledge to weathering the approaching transition from law school to the rest of their lives. The retreat reflects the Ignatian spiritual tradition, but it is open to people of all faith traditions and to those who have none.