Academic Success Coaching & Tutoring
Learn. Grow. Succeed.
Law school requires unique study skills and we are here to help you acquire them. To succeed in the classroom and on exams you will need to develop new reading, writing and problem-solving strategies. Learn the expert techniques that will help you thrive from your first 1L course through the bar exam.
Academic Success is located within the Dean of Students Office. We offer on-demand workshops, 1-on-1 or small group coaching, and peer tutoring. Please reach out today!
Academic Success Services/Resources
Explore the variety of workshops and resources available on our 1L 101 Canvas page, crafted to equip our law students with the essential knowledge and skills for academic success in law school.
Case reading & briefing
Strategic exam prep
Looking for help from someone who successfully navigated first-year courses as recently as last year?
Sign-up to receive one of our outstanding peer tutors! Georgetown Law’s tutors are exceptionally qualified 2L and 3L students who help 1Ls tackle their first-year classes. Tutoring is free to all first-year law students, but is limited to one course and available for one hour per week. You will work in a small group setting with other students in your course. Whenever possible, first year students are matched with tutors who took the same course with the same professor their first year.
To allow time for students to settle into their classes and discover the class for which a tutor would be most useful, 1Ls are matched with tutors by early October (in the fall semester), and late-February (in the spring semester).
OUR STUDENTS SAY:“[P]lease know that [my tutor] is the best tutor I’ve EVER had and has been such a life-changing help this semester. She’s so wonderful ….”
“Thank you so much for your help this semester! It was really great to study and exam prep with [my tutor,] and I am so grateful to you for giving me the opportunity.”