Programmatic Agenda
Our work covers four areas
In each area, our programmatic agenda incorporates research, teaching, academic events, and student opportunities, with other activities that deliver policy impact and generate media coverage.
Academic Events
- Trade and Distribution
- New Directions in International Investment Law: Alternatives for Improvement
- A Conversation with Anna Joubin-Bret about Reforming the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System
- International Investment Arbitration in Latin America: Progress or Inertia?
- Investment Arbitration in Latin America: Reflections on favorable awards to Colombia
- Globalization After Neoliberalism
- Workshop on ISDS Reform in Latin America
- Bretton Woods at 75 and the Future of Multilateralism Conference
- USMCA: Innovations and U.S. Ratification
- USMCA vs NAFTA: American and Mexican Perspectives
- National Security and the Future of the Global Trading System
- Panel Discussion: Transparency and International Investment in Argentina
- Rethinking Trade and Investment Law (RETAIL) Workshop
- U.S. Tax Reform Panel: Investments Implications in Latin America
- The Future of NAFTA and North American Economic Integration" Conference
Professional Training
Guest Speakers and Panels
- CAROLA and the Supreme Court Institute at Georgetown Law Co-Host A Delegation of the Supreme Court of Peru
- A Paradigm Shift in Argentina’s Criminal Justice Reform
- Institutional and Democratic Recovery in Argentina: Juridical and Structural Changes & Present and Prospective Views
- A Conversation with Two Supreme Court Justices: The Role of The Mexican Supreme Court in Mexico’s Democracy
- Colombia's Special Jurisdiction for Peace: An Embattled Transition
- Panel Discussion: Transparency and International Investment in Argentina