Corporate Advisory Group
The ABLE Project is dedicated to bringing active bystandership training – and, more importantly, a culture of peer intervention – to law enforcement agencies across the country. The ABLE Corporate Advisory Group (CAG) brings together an exceptional and diverse group of men and women from companies across the country to help infuse ABLE with new and innovative ideas. It is the Corporate Advisory Group’s goal to:
- Provide advice and guidance on how best to achieve ABLE’s five core missions.
- Share innovations that have worked in the private sector and help apply those innovations to continuously improve the ABLE program.
- Share innovations that have worked with ABLE with non-policing organizations to help promote active bystandership beyond law enforcement
- Serve as liaisons to their companies to help drive pro bono projects, secure in-kind support, and identify synergies between ABLE on each company’s ongoing social sustainability efforts.
- Serve as ambassadors for ABLE and active bystandership generally across the country.
The members of the ABLE Corporate Advisory Group all are committed to the power of active bystandership not only to reduce officer mistakes, prevent misconduct, and promote health and wellness, but also to serve as a vehicle for true cultural change. The Corporate Advisory Group believes teaching active bystandership (and creating a culture of peer intervention) is a key part of transforming not only the culture of policing, but of communities generally. The Corporate Advisory Group also believes that whatever policing may look like in the future, we will continue to need the skills, strategies, and tactics of active bystandership.
*Names identified with an “*” are representing companies that also have made a sizable financial donation to the ABLE Project.
tNames identified with an “t” are participating in their personal capacities. Corporate affiliations are included for identification purposes only.
Jonathan Aronie (CAG and BOA Chair)*
Sheppard Mullin
Roy L. Austin, Jr.
Vice President of Civil Rights and Deputy General Counsel
Dan Brown*
Pro Bono Partner
Sheppard Mullin
Michael Browne*
VP, Public Policy and Strategic Alliances
Cynthia M. Deitle
Director, Association General Counsel, Civil Rights
Edward Dickson
Vice President, Global Security
Johnson & Johnson
Natasha I. Fapohunda*
Senior Vice President & Counsel, Enterprise Partnerships
Steven Hansen
Utah Local Governments Trust
Ben Horwitz
AH Datalytics
Clifford Hudson
Of Counsel
Crowe & Dunlevy
Jane Klinger t
Sr. Director and Sr. Corporate Counsel, Ethics & Integrity Investigations
Hemma Lomax t
Senior Corporate Counsel, Integrity & Compliance
Snap, Inc.
Cathy Lueders*
Assistant General Counsel, SVP, Global Government Contracting
Meyling Ly-Ortiz
Managing Counsel
Kelly McGriff*
Director, Compliance
HNI Corporation
Fatema Merchant*
Sheppard Mullin
Miri Miller
Deputy General Counsel, Americas
Dentsu International
Henry Shiembob
Global Chief Security Officer
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Danyelle Solomon
Director, Justice Reform & Racial Equity Policy
Michele Thatcher
SVP, Chief Counsel for Global Labor and Employment, and Chief Human Rights Officer