Sunday, May 18, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.
Georgetown University
Healy Lawn (rain site: McDonough Arena)


Friday & Saturday, May 16-17, 2025
Georgetown University Law Center
Eleanor Holmes Norton Green

The Commencement Ceremony is a Law Center-wide event on the Hilltop Campus in which students process onto Healy Lawn. Dean William M. Treanor and our honorary degree recipient will address the class, and Georgetown University senior leadership will ceremoniously confer degrees. The Commencement Ceremony is a meaningful tradition and a wonderful capstone to your Georgetown Law education.

Celebration Days are a series of program and section-specific ceremonies hosted on the Law Center campus. They begin with a ceremony on the Eleanor Holmes Norton Tower Green, where along with remarks from Dean Treanor and a student speaker, graduates’ names will be read aloud as they cross a stage for individual recognition. Following each section or program ceremony, graduates and guests are invited to a celebration on the Paul R. Dean Library Green. View the Celebration Days schedule.

The Law Center Commencement Ceremony will be broadcast live on the University Facebook page. Celebration Days will be broadcast live our Georgetown Law YouTube Channel.

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