Requisitions and Contracts

Requisition (REQ) is needed in GMS for purchases over $500 in order for a purchase order (PO) to be issued. Requisitions are also required and must be initiated in GMS, approved and routed for signature.

Contracts that involve GU and another party are to be signed by the University VP Finance, the Chief Procurement Officer OR the VP for Tax. Please see University policy #FA127A. There are no authorized signatories at the Law Center.

The general guidance for when a contract is required is summarized in the Procurement Matrix located on the main campus OCFO website. Please review periodically as there may be updates. As a general best practice, the ProCard should be used for small dollar value purchases that do not require financial approval and would have little impact or risk to the University if the goods are defective and/or not received. On a ProCard the money is essentially “spent” when the card is swiped, it is very difficult for the University to recover funds or withhold payment once the transaction is posted. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, there is more leverage for recourse when goods and services are procured via the contracting process.

Contracts are reviewed and approved by main campus for the entire university through a centralized process and are typically processed in the order that they are received. Planning ahead is one step to assist with a smooth and expedited process. Another way to prevent delays in the process is to be sure that the contract submission is complete and accurate. Although not required, you are encouraged to use University contract templates. University templates ensure a more expedient process as the terms do not need additional legal review. Supplier terms may require a more stringent review, which can add to the review and approval timeline.

Attaching complete and accurate documents to the REQ will minimize send backs in GMS and expedite the contract submission process. Please view tips and tricks for the Law Contract submission process here. Contract submissions are no longer accepted via email so please upload the following as individual attachments to your REQ in GMS:

Contract Request Cover Sheet & Instructions Terms (University’s or vendor’s) – when using the University terms, please be sure to fill out the Overview of Services, the contract dates and the total contract amount. Invoice or Statement of Work Certificate of Insurance listing the University as an additional insured or insurance waiver (if applicable) Bids (if applicable) or in limited situations a Sole Source justification that has been signed by the Procurement Department. Other documents, depending on the contract type – Tax Questionnaire, UIS Checklist, Customer Information Addendum, Transportation Addendum, etc.

A contract amendment is required if you are increasing the amount, extending the length or changing the current scope of work of an existing contract. The amendment must be submitted before the existing agreement ends or you will have to initiate a new contract.

Expense Reports

No, personal expenses are not reimbursable by the University. Please review the University Travel and Expense Policy and be sure that all charges submitted are allowable and eligible for reimbursement.

Yes, if you have been delegated the expense preparer role in GMS by that individual. Please verify that you are creating the expense report for the proper person in GMS (Self) – by selecting “create expense report” or as a delegate for someone else – by selecting “create expense report for worker”.

Yes, there are three. The expense report type will be determined by the method of payment as noted below. For clarity in the review process, please do not combine expense reimbursement requests with University credit card or ProCard expense reconciliation reports.

Expense Reimbursement – out of pocket cash or business expenses paid with a personal credit card should be submitted within thirty days of being incurred. University Credit Card Reconciliation – Travel related charges billed to the University “ghost card on file” should be submitted within thirty days of the last day of travel or the conference/meeting end date. ProCard Expense Reconciliation – Allowable business expenses that are incurred during the monthly ProCard billing cycle. The cycle ends on the 20th of the month and should be submitted as one, per card holder per billing cycle.

The “Expense Report Date” is completed in the expense header and should always be the last day/date the expenses were incurred (if covering several days). This determines the period in which the transaction will be posted on the University’s financial reports. The “Expense Line Date” is completed at the transaction level and must reflect the date the expense was incurred and match documentation that is provided.

Your detailed university business purpose must answer the questions, who (first and last name), what, when, where, why. The purpose should provide enough details to the casual reviewer to justify the expense as an allowable business expense.

Please submit a legible, itemized receipt that includes proof of payment with the last four digits of the credit card. Order confirmations, which do not show proof of payment are not acceptable. If the receipt is not available, please include the credit card statement for reimbursement requests or a supervisor signed missing receipt form for ProCard reconciliations.

Yes, some purchases to improve your ability to work from home are allowable and reimbursable; however, please see specific guidance for purchasing office supplies, technology items and furnishings below. If you are not sure if the expense is allowable, please consult with Financial Affairs prior to incurring the expense.

General office supplies should be purchased through the University Amazon and Staples punchout in GMS. If the punchouts are not used and items are purchased from these suppliers with a ProCard or personal credit card, a written approval from Tom Clark is required. IT hardware and software purchases require IST approval for system security and University asset tracking purposes in many cases. Financial Affairs has worked with Law IST to create an IST Purchase Approval Matrix. Although some items can be purchased on a ProCard or reimbursed, Please review this approval matrix and consult with the IST Help Desk prior to purchasing any technology related items. Staff home office furniture purchases are not permitted, please obtain prior written approval from David Mao if there is a business need for the purchase.

A Google Maps print out that shows the originating point and final destination should be included for mileage reimbursement requests. The current federal mileage rates are preloaded into GMS and will be calculated automatically based on the mileage entered. For monthly travel within the DC, MD and Northern VA jurisdiction a mileage log found here can be submitted.

If you opt for reimbursement at a per diem rate the daily amounts vary per travel location and cover your meal and incidental expenses. This includes all meals, gratuities, fees, snacks and miscellaneous expenses incurred while on travel. You are not able to collect the daily per diem amounts and reimbursement for actual expenses.

Per the University Accountable Expense Reimbursement Policy and IRS guidelines, expense reports must be completed within 60 days to prevent tax being applied. Expense submissions or ProCard reconciliations will be returned to you by the Tax Department and you will be required to make a statement acknowledging the Policy.

Yes, receipts must be created after the goods or services are received and match (or exceed) the invoice amount being submitted. Please remember to “receive the item” in GMS to trigger the payment of the invoice.

Invoices and Payments

In order for the University to make a payment, the payee/vendor needs to be registered as a supplier in GMS. All payments are made from the main campus Accounts Payable Department.

All vendor invoices must be sent to with the PO number CLEARLY referenced on the invoice. For awareness and prompt receiving, we encourage you to be copied on all invoices sent to the main campus by your suppliers.

Yes, receipts must be created after the goods or services are received and match (or exceed) the invoice amount being submitted. Please remember to “receive the item” in GMS to trigger the payment of the invoice.

No, invoices from registered suppliers should be paid via a direct payment from the University with an approved requisition (REQ) and Purchase Order. This will minimize the likelihood of a duplicate payment and overpayment to the supplier. The University ProCard should be used for small dollar, point of sale and online transactions that do not necessarily require financial approval up front.

A match exception occurs when the invoiced amount and the received amount do not match in GMS or the receipt has not been created. In most cases, the match exception can be resolved by creating a receipt in GMS. Clearing the match is required for a payment to be approved and initiated from the system.