Budgeting & Planning

How to create a budget? Budget Template

What if a budget amendment is needed? Budget Amendment Policy FA 110-15

How to create a new program? Please contact Stone Wang at rw757@georgetown.edu.

Financial Reporting

Where to locate budget worktags information? GMS Chart-of-accounts defined (video)

What if a transaction is charged to the wrong budget?

Create a cost transfer journal (Note: Press ↓ to download to Excel. Link works best in Chrome).

Information regarding internal allocations

Financial Support Resources

GMS website

GMS Accounting cycle & calendars

GMS Training Center

Budget Reconciliation Resources

Budget-to-Actuals Review Reconciliation Policy

Budget-to-Actuals Report Review & Reconciliation Log Form

GMS Budget to Actuals Summary (PDF) (new window)

GMS Budget to Actuals Summary – Grants (PDF) (new window)

GU Non-Payroll Journals for Accounting Journal Template (new window)