Recruitment and Networking Programs
Click on the links below to learn more about our recruitment and networking programs.
Private Sector
Summer Application Process - Private Sector
An overview of the summer recruiting programs and how to maximize the Summer Application Process. These programs bring nearly 300 law firms annually to engage and recruit Georgetown students.
Fall & Spring Interview Programs
The Fall & Spring Interview Programs provides students the opportunity to interview with small and mid-sized firms, (as well as a few large firms), during the fall and spring semesters for summer and permanent positions.
Loyola Patent Law Interview Program
The Loyola Patent Law Interview Program is a two-day interview program held in Chicago each summer that brings together patent law employers and law students from across the country to interview for summer associate positions and post-graduate employment.
Private Sector Resume Collect Programs
These programs offer private sector employers an opportunity to review resumes from students who have diverse backgrounds as well as those nationwide employers that do not take part in a formal interviewing program. The resume collects are administered via Symplicity.
International Internship Program – Private Sector
The International Internship Program provides Georgetown Law students with the opportunity to obtain internships with law firms all over the world.
Public Sector
Public Sector Application Program (PSAP)
This is a new and small-scale program for public sector employers seeking to collect application materials through OPICS (via Symplicity) from Georgetown Law 2Ls. Employers will reach out directly to selected candidates who they wish to interview. Participating employers will be announced in mid-summer. PSAP application deadlines for students will be in August and September.
Georgetown Law/George Washington Public Sector Recruiting Program (PSRP)
The Public Sector Recruiting Program (PSRP) is a daylong job fair for Georgetown and George Washington law students to interview for summer internships and a limited number of permanent positions with nonprofit organizations, government agencies and public interest law firms.
Meet the Recruitment Team
Andrea Waters
Asst. Director of Recruitment Operations
Office of Career Strategy (OCS)
D: (202) 662-9301
Silvia Hernandez
Asst. Manager of Recruitment & Programming
Office of Career Strategy (OCS)
D: (202) 662-9244
Caroline Dempsey
Manager of Public Sector Recruitment
Office of Public Interest & Community Service (OPICS)
D: (202) 662-9842
Ruby Sheikh
Asst. Director, Public Interest Employer & Alumni Outreach
Office of Public Interest & Community Service (OPICS)
D: (202) 662-9314