JD Career Advisors

OPICS Meet the Staff             OCS Meet the Staff


1ls: Information for fall 2024 1L advising: coming soon.

Office of Career Strategy (OCS) 2L Advisors:
If you remain interested in exploring careers in the private sector, you will want to connect with an OCS advisor. If you are completing your OCI decision-making process, please feel free to continue to work with your current OCS advisor. If you are continuing a private sector search, please make an appointment with the 2L/3E section advisor listed below:

Sections 1, 2 and 6 (transfers): Celia Spiritos
Sections 3, 5 and 6 (transfers): Kelley Shields
Section 4: Robyn Rucker
Section 7 (evening students): Marcia Shannon

Office of Career Strategy (OCS) 3L/4E Advisors:

Sections 2 and 6 (transfers): Celia Spiritos
Sections 1, 3 and 5: Kelley Shields
Section 4: Robyn Rucker
Section 7 (evening students): Marcia Shannon

Office of Public Interest and Community Service (OPICS) 2L Advisors:

You may continue working with an advisor of your choice. Alternatively, if you are not yet connected to an advisor, feel free to read our bios and make an appointment with any of the advisors on the OPICS team.*

*For Section 6 (transfers) and Section 7 (evening students) – Tamara Devieux-Adams

Office of Public Interest and Community Service (OPICS) 3L/4E Advisors:
All of the OPICS advisors meet with 3Ls/4Es about the public sector search and we often recommend that public sector job seekers work with multiple OPICS advisors as needed. Please feel free to continue working with an advisor of your choice and check out our bios above for more information about specific counselors. Our dedicated 3L/4E team includes:

Jennie Netburn (Postgraduate Fellowships)
Elizabeth Liu (Government)

JD Alumni Advisors

Recent Alumni (<2 years from graduation):

Robyn Rucker (OCS)
Morgan Lynn-Alesker (OPICS)

Recent Alumni (2+ years beyond graduation):

Rob Cacace (OCS)
Morgan Lynn-Alesker (OPICS)
Lauren Dubin (OPICS)
Jennie Netburn (OPICS)

Online Scheduling for Students & JD Alumni

Want to schedule an appointment with an OCS or OPICS advisor? Log into Symplicity now to get started!

To accommodate all students, we ask that you schedule only one appointment at a time with an advisor. For mock interviews, please only schedule one mock interview with OCS or OPICS; your advisor can then recommend if you should schedule an additional mock interview.  Thank you for your understanding. 

Once you’ve logged into Symplicity, select “Counseling” from the top navigation menu, click on the “Request New Appointment” button, and follow the instructions below:

  1. Choose your filters – you can filter by appointment type, meeting format (In-person, phone, or virtual), date and time, office location (OCS or OPICS) and/or by counselor name
  2. Click Check Availability
  3. Select your appointment date and time by clicking on the counselor name
  4. A pop-up confirmation window will appear; complete all required fields and click Submit. A confirmation email will be sent as well as a reminder email.

If you experience any difficulties while scheduling an appointment, please contact the front desk of OCS (202-662-9300 or lawcareerstrategy@georgetown.edu) or OPICS (202-662-9655 or opics@georgetown.edu).

Trouble Logging into Symplicity?  Symplicity requires two-factor authentication through DUO. Please check your DUO device (desk or mobile phone) to approve login.  Check out the IST webpage for more information regarding security and passwords.