Brief Bio

Marjolaine Viret is an attorney-at-law at the Geneva bar, Switzerland, specialising in sports and health law. She has gained significant experience in arbitration as a senior associate in one of Switzerland’s leading law firms, frequently appearing before the Court of Arbitration for Sport and advising clients, including major sports federations, on various aspects of sports law. She also holds positions within committees in sports organisations, in particular as a member of the UCI Anti-Doping Commission, and regularly intervenes internationally as a lecturer or speaker. She currently participates as a Swiss National Science Foundation Researcher in the WADC Commentary project at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, with the goal of producing the first comprehensive legal commentary of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. Her PhD work on the interaction of science and law in anti-doping received approval with summa cum laude in March 2015. She is involved in a variety of roles in developing strategies and setting priorities in the fight against doping and in the implementation of the 2015 WADC. Her interests focus on developing cross-disciplinary approaches as a way of promoting more effective solutions in the field of anti-doping and other science-based domains.


Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)

Swiss Attorney Association (Fédération suisse des avocats, FSA)

Swiss Sports Law Association (Association suisse de droit du sport, ASDS)

Geneva Bar Association (ODAGE)


Viret Marjolaine, Evidence in Anti-Doping at the Intersection of Science and Law, T.M.C Asser Press / Springer, tbp 2015.

Saugy Martial / Viret Marjolaine / Giraud Sylvain, Limits in anti-doping science, in: Bernasconi M (ed.), Arbitrating disputes in a modern sports world – 5th Conference CAS &SAV/FSA Lausanne 2014, Berne, tbp 2015.

Viret Marjolaine, CAS as the Guardian of the Scientific Validity of Anti-Doping Science?, LawInSport, 23 July 2015.

Rigozzi Antonio / Haas Ulrich / Wisnosky Emily / Viret Marjolaine, Breaking down the process for determining a basic sanction under the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code, International Sports Law Journal 2015, 3-48.

Wisnosky Emily / Viret Marjolaine, The 2015 World Anti-Doping Code in practice: IF Adoption, worldsportslawreport February 2015.

Giraud Sylvain / Joye Charles / Saugy Martial / Viret Marjolaine, Role of Anti-Doping Laboratories in the Fight against Doping, CausaSport 4/2014, 331-345.

Rigozzi Antonio / Viret Marjolaine / Wisnosky Emily / Muresan Remus / Kesseli Roman, Neuerungen im Welt Anti-Doping Code 2015,CausaSport 4/2014, 299-312.

Viret Marjolaine, How to Make Science and Law Work Hand in Hand in Anti-Doping, CausaSport 2/2014, 99-110.

Dvorak Jiri et al. (incl. Viret), Consensus Statement – Time for change: a roadmap to guide the implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code 2015, British Journal of Sports Medicine special issue 2014.

Rigozzi Antonio / Viret Marjolaine / Wisnosky Emily, Latest Changes to the 2015 WADA Code –Fairer, Smarter, Clearer… and not quite Finished, in: Jusletter, 20 January 2013.

Rigozzi Antonio / Viret Marjolaine / Wisnosky Emily, Does the World Anti-Doping Code Revision Live up to its Promises?, in: Jusletter, 11 November 2013.

Sprumont Dominique / Viret Marjolaine, The 2015 Revision of the WADA Code –Will the Fight Against Doping Collide with Health Law?, in: Jusletter, 8 April 2013.

Favre-Bulle Xavier / Viret Marjolaine, First Arbitral Award Set Aside for Breach of Substantive Public Policy in Switzerland (the “Matuzalém saga”), in: Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, 2013.

Favre-Bulle Xavier / Viret Marjolaine, Les arbitres siégeant en Suisse sont bien égaux devant l’exi-gence d’indépendance et d’impartialité, in: Petites Affiches –Chronique Arbitrage 22.02.2011, n°37.

Werro Franz / Viret Marjolaine, Le coût excessif de la réfection de l’ouvrage et la sanction du con-trat en cas de déplaisir consécutif au défaut, BR/DC 3/2008, 116 et seq.

Viret Marjolaine / Favre-Bulle Xavier, L’intérêt de la lutte contre le dopage confirmé par le Tribunal fédéral, in : Jusletter 19 mai 2008.

Werro Franz / Viret Marjolaine, The Three Most Important Features of Switzerland’s Legal System, IALS Conference – Learning from Each Other: Enriching the Law School Curriculum in an Interrelated World, 2008.

Favre-Bulle Xavier / Vermeil Guy / Viret Marjolaine, Droit du sport et arbitrage international: les récents enseignements du Tribunal fédéral, in : Jusletter 20 novembre 2006.

Werro Franz / Viret Marjolaine, Egalité entre femmes et hommes: La responsabilité civile de l’employeur, in : Epiney/Von Danckelmann (éd.), L’égalité entre femmes et hommes en Suisse et dans l’UE, Zurich/Bâle/Genève 2004.

Courses taught at CTLS

  • The Regulation of Doping in Sport –A Transnational and Interdisciplinary Challenge (Spring 2016)