Recent News

Thirteen Georgetown Law alumni, and Professor Emerita Eleanor Holmes Norton, will serve in the next Congress.

Thirteen Georgetown Law Alumni in 116th Congress

November 8, 2018 Congress Our Alumni

When the 116th United States Congress convenes in January, it will include one newly elected Georgetown Law alumna — bringing the total number of Law Center graduates serving in Congress to 13. Five serve in the Senate and 8 will serve in the House…

Fifteen Georgetown Law Alumni in 115th Congress

November 10, 2016 Congress Our Alumni

When the 115th United States Congress convenes in January, it will include two newly elected Georgetown Law alumni, bringing the total number of Law Center graduates serving in Congress to 15. Five serve in the Senate and 10 serve in the House of Representatives;…

Rep. Steny Hoyer (L’66): Restoring Faith in Government

July 12, 2016 Congress

“As I’ve traveled across the country…,” said House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.)(L’66), speaking in Hart Auditorium on July 11, “I’ve heard the same sentiment: too many of our people believe that the American Dream is slipping away…