Georgetown Law Reunion 2024: Strengthening Community Past and Future
October 31, 2024

Alumni celebrated reunion weekend with faculty panels, class parties and Jack the Bulldog merch.
More than 1,600 Georgetown Law alumni and guests gathered for reunion weekend Oct. 24-27, which celebrated members of class years ending in 4 and 9 with more than 30 events across the Law Center campus and nearby sites in the nation’s capital.
Attendees reconnected with old friends, forged new connections and heard from current students and faculty about new developments on campus and beyond, from plans for a new, state-of-the-art academic building to faculty perspectives on the current U.S. Supreme Court term.
“It’s been exciting to see what’s happened here in 25 years,” said Judge Seth Aframe, L’99, of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, about the chance to revisit the Law Center. “[Campus] looks a lot different than it did 25 years ago, and all in very good ways.”
Aframe was joined by Frank Lopez, L’99, Chair of Paul Hastings, at a Thursday fireside chat for an audience of alumni and current law students, in which the pair reflected on their professional journeys, offered career advice and reminisced about their time as roommates.
“Embrace the relationships you’re making here in law school,” Lopez advised the students in the audience. “One of my highlights of law school was meeting Seth.”

Professors Marty Lederman, Michele Goodwin and Irv Gornstein offered analysis of the current Supreme Court term.
For Georgetown Alumni Club of Miami President Deidre Richardson, C’01, L’04, Friday’s “Highlights of the U.S. Supreme Court’s October Term 2024” panel offered a valuable chance to preview the cases to be heard by the nation’s highest court.
“It was really interesting,” she said of the discussion, which brought together faculty and alumni for a discussion of high-profile cases on the court’s docket this term. “It feels really good [to be] seeing people I haven’t seen in a long time and getting reacquainted.”
Other offerings included informational sessions about a range of campus and legal topics, including the work and role of Georgetown Law’s 22 centers and institutes, as well as the chance for reunion classes to celebrate over drinks and hors d’oeuvres at Friday night class parties.
Gathering on the green

Jack the Bulldog made an appearance at Saturday’s Hoya Lawya Reunion Picnic.
On Saturday, alumni and their guests gathered for a picnic on the Eleanor Holmes Norton Green and enjoyed family-favorite activities including a petting zoo and pumpkin patch — plus a special visit from Georgetown University mascot Jack the Bulldog.
For recent graduates Christos Christodoulou, L’19, Kellie Rollins, L’19, and Christina Fox, L’19, the lunchtime gathering proved a highlight of the weekend. The trio, who met during law school orientation, were Section 2 classmates who became friends their 1L year.
“We had such a good section,” Fox said, noting that she and other 2019 graduates, including Christodoulou and Rollins, remain in close touch as they navigate their lives and careers post-graduation. “You always know there’s someone you can count on.”
Fifty-year alumna Elizabeth Gee, L’74, offered a similar reflection, noting she made “friends for a lifetime” during her time as a student. “It’s the people who meant something to me,” she said — including several Class of 1974 classmates with whom she was excited to reconnect at reunion.
An evolving campus

Alumni asked questions — and previewed plans for a new academic building — at Friday’s town hall.
In his second annual “State of the Law Center” town hall address on Friday, Dean William M. Treanor highlighted the academic strength and achievements of this year’s entering Class of 2027 and previewed the latest plans regarding Daniel Tsai Hall, the Law Center’s new academic building. A fundraising campaign is underway to fund its construction.
The state-of-the-art building reflects an interdisciplinary approach to the study of law, Treanor said, and will offer an additional 16 classrooms, moot court room, clinical space and gathering places for students and members of the campus community.
“A big part of [law school] is not just what happens in the classroom — it’s the friendships you form,” he said. “To have space to facilitate that is so essential.”
For Taiwan-based attorney and LL.M. graduate Gina Hung, L’99, who was among the attendees at Friday’s LL.M. alumni reception, forming cross-cultural connections was not only central to her experience as an international student in Washington, D.C., but remains at the heart of her work as a practitioner at a global company.
“It opened my eyes,” she said of her time at Georgetown Law. “I had the chance to interact with people from all different countries.”
A gala to remember

Dean William M. Treanor delivered opening remarks at the 2024 reunion gala.
On Saturday night, alumni and guests gathered for the reunion gala at the National Building Museum, where Dean Treanor reflected on the Law Center’s mission and presented the 2024 Alumni Awards to five alumni whose careers and contributions have demonstrated excellence and leadership across the legal field.

Winners of the Georgetown Law 2024 Alumni Awards (L-R): Rep. Ted W. Lieu, L’94; Lisa N. Collins, F’01, L’04; The Hon. Celeste Pinto McLain, L’74; Louis T. Mazawey, L’74; and Damien R. Zoubek, L’99.
“There’s no better place to learn how to make a difference than Washington, D.C.,” said Dean Treanor in his remarks, before presenting the Robert F. Drinan, S.J. Public Service Award to Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D-Calif.), L’94, who represents California’s 36th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives.
As vice chair of the Democratic Caucus, Lieu is the highest-ranking Asian American to have ever served in House leadership and previously served as a California state senator and assemblyman. He is also a U.S. Air Force veteran, having retired in 2021 with the rank of colonel.
Four alumni received the Paul R. Dean Award:
- Lisa N. Collins, F’01, L’04, is a partner at BakerHostetler, where she leads the intellectual property team in Atlanta and the firmwide IP trade secrets and indemnification teams. A prominent thought leader in the areas of inclusion and diversity, she is a member of Georgetown University’s Board of Governors and the Law Alumni Board.
- Louis T. Mazawey, L’74, was the third attorney to work at the Groom Law Group, the nation’s largest employee benefit speciality law firm, where he has practiced for nearly five decades. As an adjunct professor at the Law Center from 2000-2006, he taught a seminar on employee benefits law and continues to support current law students through the establishment of an endowed scholarship fund.
- The Honorable Celeste Pinto McLain, L’74, has worked in the private and public sectors with a focus on transportation, energy and infrastructure, including her appointment to the National Passenger Railroad Board in 1994. She has supported the Georgetown community through service on boards and committees including the Women’s Forum Steering Committee and Law Alumni Board and by establishing a Law Center scholarship.
- Damien R. Zoubek, L’99, is co-head of the U.S. corporate and mergers and acquisitions practice at Freshfields, a global law firm, based in their New York office. He instructs on mergers and acquisitions as an adjunct professor at the Law Center, where he also serves on the Board of Visitors.

The Class of 2004 won the award for highest reunion attendance.
Before turning the night over to dessert and dancing, Law Alumni Board Chair Monique Fortenberry, L’95, and Georgetown University Alumni Association Executive Director Julia Farr, C’88, announced the winners of the 2024 Reunion Cups:
- Class of 1974 for participation (highest percentage of classmates who made a gift of any size, with 22% supporting the Law Center); loyalty (highest percentage of Loyalty Society members); and legacy (highest percentage of classmates who have included a gift to Georgetown Law in their estate plans)
- Class of 1979 for generosity (most funds raised during the reunion year, with $8.5 million)
- Class of 2004 for attendance (with 106 classmates returning for the weekend)
Next year’s Reunion Weekend, celebrating graduates whose class years end in 0 and 5, will take place Oct. 3 – 5, 2025.

Alumni and current students marked the end of reunion at the annual Black Law Students Association Brunch.

Alumni and their guests celebrated with furry friends at Saturday’s picnic petting zoo.

L-R: Prof. Urska Velikonja moderated an alumnae panel featuring Nikki Endsley, L’19, Belinda Nixon, L’94, and Shirley Higuchi, L’84 at the Women’s Legal Alliance Luncheon.