Frequently Asked Questions
Respond to your confirmation email in order to find out updates regarding you’re A/V and Facility requests. Office of Scheduling liaisons with those departments and will be able to provide you the up-to-date answers you seek. Please ensure that you have provided a diagram with every Special Event room request.
Respond to your confirmation email and Office of Scheduling will provide you with assistance in updating your reservation.
Make sure you respond to your confirmation email in order to have the changes reflected to your reservation.
Office of Scheduling reserves the right to release the room hold to the next group that requests the space. That is why it is important that you at least make an appointment you can keep with OSL in order to receive official room confirmation for your event. That let’s our office know that you are serious about hosting your event.
Your organization risks not receiving any assistance from these departments since they require advanced notice in order to properly setup/tear down events.
Yes, you have until three business days prior to your event to edit your resource requests. Any requests after that three business day deadline passes we cannot guarantee can be honored. Please ensure that your diagram reflects your updated changes.