Loan Repayment and Financing a Public Interest Career
Given the disparity between private sector and public interest starting salaries, the idea of pursuing a public interest career can be economically overwhelming.
Fortunately, there are a number of programs that make this path more affordable than ever. Georgetown’s Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP), established in 1986, provides assistance to: 1) J.D. graduates who are employed or self-employed on a full-time, paid basis, in a law-related capacity by a non-profit entity that has as one of its primary purposes the rendering of legal services to or on behalf of persons or organizations that could not otherwise obtain like services, and 2) J.D. graduates who are employed on a full-time, paid basis, in a law-related capacity by a government agency that has as one of its primary purposes the rendering of legal services on behalf of the public.
There are several new non-Georgetown programs that can also help alleviate the burden of educational debt for public interest lawyers. The most important ones to learn about are the programs established by the 2007 College Cost Reduction and Access Act – specifically income-based repayment plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness. To learn more about these programs, and how they interact with Georgetown’s LRAP program, please explore the links below.