Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
What is Arbitration and Dispute Resolution?
International arbitration and dispute resolution is the most common form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). ADR refers to any means of settling a dispute outside of a courtroom. ADR can involve arbitration, mediation, or other forms of conflict resolution– and it can be voluntary or compulsory.
International arbitration and dispute resolution addresses disputes between parties, companies or individuals, usually located in two different countries, in which the parties have agreed not to use traditional litigation.
International Arbitration Resources
Helpful International Arbitration Websites
- Chambers Associate: International Arbitration. “In a nutshell” a practice area overview of International Arbitration
- How to Break Into Arbitration: Useful Resources for Students and Young Practitioners. This career guide is the product of a collaborative effort between students of the Georgetown International Arbitration Society and members of the DC Bar International Dispute Resolution Committee.
- American Bar Association, Section of Dispute Resolution
- Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (JAMS)