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Justin Brooks (LL.M.'92) and Brian Banks celebrated in 2012 after Banks's wrongful conviction was reversed by a California court. This scene outside the courthouse is depicted in the "Brian Banks" movie, in theaters on August 9, with Greg Kinnear playing Brooks and Aldis Hodge playing Banks. (Photo Courtesy California Innocence Project.)

Justin Brooks (LL.M.’92) Gives the "Brian Banks” Movie its Happy Ending

August 8, 2019 Criminal Law Our Alumni

Justin Brooks (LL.M.'92) traces the success in his academic career to Georgetown Law. Now a professor at the California Western School of Law and a co-founder of the California Innocence Project, he once supervised Georgetown Law students teaching classes in Lorton Prison — teaching inmates about their legal rights and helping them with legal issues. After his two-year fellowship with Georgetown Law’s Street Law Program led to an LL.M. in 1992, Brooks spent another year at Georgetown as assistant director of a Street Law Corrections Clinic.