Bucerius Law School is Germany’s first private law school and is consistently ranked among Germany’s top law schools. Founded in 2000 as an alternative to the state-run legal education system, Bucerius offers a practice-oriented legal education with a focus on international business. Its German students are required to be fluent in English and spend a semester abroad. Each year, in the fall semester, Bucerius hosts approximately 90 exchange students from partner institutions around the world. The courses offered as part of this exchange are taught entirely in English by renowned international and German professors. Courses typically include European Union (EU) law, comparative law, alternative dispute resolution, international business transactions, German law, and an option to earn a management and leadership certificate for lawyers from the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession.

The law school is located on the edge of a beautiful botanical garden in a fully renovated historic building and includes modern classrooms and library facilities. Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany, is an elegant cosmopolitan center with countless parks and canals, cultural amenities, and an active night life. It is also a major education hub with over 65,000 university students. Georgetown’s exchange agreement with Bucerius allows a total of two students to study for a semester at the University’s law faculty. In 2024 Bucerius hosted one Georgetown student.