Non-Georgetown Ad Hoc Study Abroad
As noted on the Center for Transnational Legal Studies (CTLS) web page, lawyers in the increasingly globalized economy of the 21st century will need to understand law trans-nationally across different legal systems and cultures. As the world shrinks, the importance of transnational and international law grows. Lawyers graduating today are likely to confront legal problems and opportunities that will take them beyond the borders of their home countries. By facilitating study abroad, the Law Center seeks to broaden its students' opportunities to prepare for these challenges.
Georgetown Law encourages students who wish to study abroad for a semester to do so in London at the Center for Transnational Legal Studies – a Georgetown-led partnership of law schools from over 20 countries – or at one of the many other programs sponsored by the Office of Transnational Programs. Studying abroad on a Georgetown-supported program presents a number of administrative, financial, and other advantages.
The Law Center also permits students to apply to study abroad for a semester or summer on an “ad hoc” basis by enrolling directly in an overseas law program approved by the Office of Transnational Programs. Such ad hoc programs are generally not permitted in countries where the Law Center has already established a study abroad program. Ad hoc study abroad is permitted during the summer or either semester, but students who do so during their final semester must assume the risk that scheduling conflicts or unforeseen administrative delays at the host school will prevent them from participating in Commencement, graduating on time, and/or being able to meet certain bar registration deadlines.
Other special procedures, rules and credit limits apply, as described under the links to the right. For further information, please contact the Office of Transnational Programs.
NOTE: All academic policies and procedures outlined on the study abroad main page remain in effect for ad hoc programs, unless specifically noted here.
Please note that OTP will only consider ad hoc applications to programs where the instruction is in person. Programs with hybrid or remote instruction will not be considered.