YDAP Summer Academy at Georgetown
The Gault Center (formerly The National Juvenile Defender Center) and Georgetown Law are partnering to host the Youth Defender Advocacy Program (YDAP) Summer Academy, a one-week intensive training program for youth defenders.
YDAP is a training curriculum that recognizes youth defense as a specialized practice and enhances the capacity of youth defenders to provide high-quality representation to their clients at every stage of the delinquency system. YDAP provides both substantive legal analysis and skills training. It was developed by the Gault Center, in collaboration with experts and leaders in the youth defense community from around the country, along with support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Models for Change Initiative.
The YDAP Summer Academy is intended for both new and experienced youth defenders. It will equip new defenders with the skills they need to zealously represent their youth clients. More experienced defenders will have the opportunity to refine their skills and heighten their effectiveness by tailoring their defense strategies to the unique aspects of delinquency representation.
The YDAP Summer Academy will be open to a limited number of participants each year.
Click here to apply today for the 2025 YDAP Summer Academy!
The 2025 YDAP Summer Academy will be held June 1 – June 6 at Georgetown Law in Washington, DC. Applications are due by 11:59 PM EST on January 14, 2025.
Costs to Attend: Tuition for the 2025 YDAP Summer Academy will be $200 due at registration, which will cover training materials, some meals, and CLE credit-approval. Breakfast and lunch are provided Monday through Friday. Please note that the $200 is a deposit to reserve your spot in the program. It is nonrefundable for any reason. Participants will be responsible for finding and paying for their own housing and travel expenses. Most participants choose to reserve a hotel or AirBnB (shared with other participants) near Georgetown Law’s campus (located at 600 New Jersey Ave NW in Washington, DC). In prior years, some participants have been able to reserve dorm rooms on the Georgetown Law campus. We expect the dorms will be available again in 2025. We’ll update accepted participants as soon as possible (likely in February 2025) on the rates and application process.
You may direct any inquiries regarding the YDAP Summer Academy to ydapsummeracademy@georgetown.edu