The Mid-Atlantic Region of The Gault Center (MARGC) is one of 9 regional centers of The Gault Center (formerly the National Juvenile Defender Center). MARGC is responsible for providing technical assistance and coordinating youth defender training and reform efforts in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Professor Henning is currently the Director of MARGC. Two Georgetown Law faculty, Wallace Mlyniec and Abbe Smith, have served on the Board of Directors for The Gault Center.

Attention law students! Apply today for MARGC’s 2024 Racial Justice and Youth Defense Internship Program.

Through the Racial Justice and Youth Defense Internship Program, three law student interns will be selected to work collaboratively with youth defense attorney supervisors in DC, Maryland, and Virginia to create resources aimed at increasing racial justice advocacy in youth defense. Each intern will also assist their supervisor with youth defense casework.

There is one position available in DC at the Public Defender Service, one in Maryland in Charles County at the Maryland Office of the Public Defender, and one in Virginia (3 possible locations available at public defender offices across the state). These opportunities are open to both 1Ls and 2Ls. We will accept applications on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.

You can find the full position descriptions and instructions for applying by clicking on your desired location:




Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Please email Rebba Omer ( with any questions.