FAQ (SUA) Sponsored University Associates/Affiliate
SUA applications for Law Center Affiliates are processed by Law Center Service Desk.
Updated SUA Request Process
To kick off the process the sponsor of the potential SUA must fill out the Request to Potential SUA form linked below.
Upon submission of the form by the Sponsor an email will be sent out to the potential SUA asking them to complete a form that is linked within the notification that they recieve. Once the potential SUA fills out their form, the sponsor will get an email back letting them know that they need to complete the Workflow, and a link will be provided. Once the workflow is completed (form is submitted by the sponsor) an email will be generated and sent to caphelp@georgetown.edu for creation of the SUA’s account. All documents are now handled electronically and do not rely on Zoom meetings, in-person viewing, or copies being sent to the Sponsor.
If a workflow is in progress or someone does not finish their part no email to caphelp@georgetown.edu will be generated, the uncompleted workflow will be in the In-Progress Workflows section of the Formstack Form submission page. No workflow can be moved to completion until the proper information is submitted by the sponsor (or someone working on behalf of the sponsor – AKA an admin of the Formstack System).
SUA request by Georgetown Sponsor Form.
Who are Sponsored University Associates?
Sponsored University Associates (SUAs) are individuals who are “lightly affiliated” with Georgetown University. They engage with Georgetown in a variety of non-academic and academic roles and do not function as employees of the university. Contractors, collaborators, volunteers, and vendor reps, are examples of Sponsored University Associates.
Who can add new Sponsored Associates to the SUA system?
Only authorized submitters in each department can add new Sponsored University Associates. The submitter is often the one who handles HR/administration for a department.
What is the new identity verification process?
Each Associate must provide verification of identity to the sponsoring department in the form of a government-issued photo ID (driver’s license or passport). All documents are now handled electronically and do not rely on Zoom meetings, in-person viewing, or copies being sent to the Sponsor.
How long can an Associate be active without review?
Associate status is granted for a maximum of one year at a time but can be renewed an indefinite number of times.
What services do Sponsored University Associates receive?
Associates automatically receive a NetID, GUID, and Google Apps account. For a list of additional services available on request, see the services available for SUAs.
Associates do not automatically receive access to Law Library resources. For questions about Law Library resources, please contact lawlibrarydirector@georgetown.edu.
Should minors who are Non-Georgetown Student Volunteers or Unpaid Interns go into the SUA system?
Yes. The Georgetown University’s Protection of Minors Policy sets forth guidelines and requirements for the protection of minors (individuals under the age of 18) who are involved in University programs and activities, and for University faculty, staff, and students who are involved in such programs.
The supervisor of every minor who will work as an unpaid volunteer or intern is required to:
- Enter the minor volunteer or intern into the SUA system by submitting an SUA request form.
- Notify the Office of Compliance and Ethics (OCE) at protectionofminors@georgetown.edu and provide the minor’s name, the name and net ID of the supervisor, the name of the department, the dates of engagement, and a brief description of the work the minor will be doing. OCE will then advise the supervisor of his/her obligations under the Protection of Minors Policy.
Who can I contact for help or support?
Questions can be directed to Law Center GOCard Office at lawgocard@georgetown.edu or, the SUA Administrator at suaadministrator@georgetown.edu