Academic Calendar

September 8-12, 2024: Orientation (Required)
September 15, 2025: Classes Begin
December 19, 2025: End of Semester & Exam Period

Available Courses

Courses are offered in either High German or English. While exchange students are welcome to take or audit classes in German, course offerings in English include (full list to be finalized later in spring):

International Intellectual Property Law

Introduction to Swiss and International Taxation

International Trade Regulation

European Data Protection Law

Comparative US & Swiss Civil Procedure

International Investment Law

International Courts

Participants in this program who wish to enroll in any course not listed above must contact the Office of Transnational Programs by email to request approval. Participants should not expect to receive credit for courses that are not expressly approved by OTP.

Credit earned at Bern is calculated in accordance with the ABA’s standard class formula (12.5 hours of class time, plus 30 hours out of class preparation and studying, per one credit hour.) Students may be asked to verify the number of hours each course meets in order to confirm the number of Georgetown credits they will receive upon completion of their study abroad program. See the Study Abroad Policy for details.

Courses are assessed by a variety of methods including written exams, oral exams, and papers. Grades are posted based on Bern’s 6 point numeric scale.

Housing & Facilities

The law school is located in the Langgasse area. Although the university itself does not own or provide student housing, it does provide some information about commercial housing options for students.

Students at Bern also have access to the university library facilities.

Most university facilities are wheelchair friendly, with either elevators or stair lifts. The city of Bern, including public transport is also generally accessible.

Estimated Budget

The amounts below reflect the 2024 budget, an updated budge will be posted when available.

Expense Estimated Budget
Tuition $39,836
Health Insurance $3,885
Student Visa $75
Airfare $1,300
Rent $4,500
Books $400
Food $2,000
Local Travel $400
Misc. $800
Abroad Insurance $65
TOTAL $53.261

Visa information will be made available to admitted students.