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The United States needs a comprehensive protection plan for the forcibly displaced in Afghanistan

August 17, 2021 Opinions

"While it is too late to avoid the immediate chaos, there is still time for the Biden administration and its allies to put in place a human rights-centered plan for the forcibly displaced and work to mitigate further disaster in Afghanistan. Failing to do so risks people’s lives and safety as well as the likelihood of another refugee crisis with global implications," write Elisa Massimino and Alexandra Schmitt.

Rethinking DHS to prioritize human security and homeland services

June 17, 2021 Opinions

"We view DHS from very different perspectives, but we both believe that DHS has become seriously out of balance with America’s needs. We need a new vision for the department that prioritizes responding to these needs and takes a broader view of what it means to keep the nation secure," write Elisa Massimino and Rudy deLeon.

Report: Redefining homeland security: a new framework for DHS to meet today's challenges

June 16, 2021 Original Content

Elisa Massimino worked on a new report from the Center for American Progress on shifting the priorities of the Department of Homeland Security. Rather than focusing on investigative, detention, and law enforcement functions, functions better carried out by the FBI and Bureau of Prisons, DHS should shift toward new values of connecting, communicating, facilitating, welcoming, and helping.

Women and a new world order

May 25, 2021 Opinions

Elisa Massimino introduces Mona Siegel's book "Peace on Our Terms" about the fight for women's rights during World War I in a book review roundtable with the Texas National Security Review.