For Alumni
Georgetown Law offers individualized and discreet support to all Georgetown Law graduates at all stages in their careers.
The Office of Career Strategy (OCS), Office of Public Interest and Community Service (OPICS) and Office of Graduate Careers (OGC) work to provide Georgetown Law alumni with lifelong career development support and opportunities. Services for alumni include counseling appointments (including mock interviews), resume and cover letter review and internal and external job search resources.
Alumni Advising
Georgetown University Law Center graduates who are thinking about a job or career change are encouraged to make an appointment to talk to a career advisor.
Important Scheduling Note
We use our Symplicity system to manage appointments. The below appointment links will direct you to the relevant site. If you do not have your netID to sign in to Symplicity, please use this one-page explanatory resource to establish a netID and then access the scheduling site. (Note: your netID will also grant you access to web resources and the job bank hosted in Symplicity).
IMPORTANT: All students and alumni are now required to use DUO as another level of security for accessing restricted resources. You will need to download the DUO app to your mobile device. DUO is required upon logging into any Georgetown sites and Symplicity.
LL.M. Alumni Resources (Password required)
Job Postings
Job postings for Georgetown Law J.D. and LL.M. students and alumni are available through Symplicity (see note below re: Accessing Symplicity and Restricted Law Center Resources). The postings include many listings directed toward experienced attorneys, in both the public and private sectors. We also have a wealth of information on our website to help guide you through the job search process and to provide you with information on many of the career paths available to you.
Accessing Symplicity and Restricted Law Center Resources
If you are a graduate of the Law Center, you can obtain access to Symplicity and restricted resources using this one-page explanatory resource to establish a netID. IMPORTANT: All students and alumni are now required to use DUO as another level of security for accessing restricted resources. You will need to download the DUO app to your mobile device. DUO is required upon logging into any Georgetown sites and Symplicity.
Reciprocity for J.D. Graduates
NALP member law schools support a policy of providing job search assistance to students and graduates of other schools through reciprocity. This allows law schools to provide reasonable access to their career resources for law students and graduates from other law schools that agree to provide similar services. To learn more about our process and to request access please review the Georgetown Law Reciprocity Policy document.
Volunteer to Help Georgetown Law Students
Alumni volunteers partner with OCS, OPICS and Office of Graduate Careers in a variety of capacities, such as participating in networking events or informational programs, or by connecting with our students to provide advice regarding different career paths and legal specialties.
If you are interested in volunteering in any other capacity, please send an e-mail to or (J.D. alumni) or (LL.M. alumni), and please include a short description of how you are willing to help.
Local and Specialized Bar Associations
Are you a member of a local or specialized bar association in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area? The Office of Career Strategy and Office of Graduate Careers are looking to expand its relationships with bar associations in the DC area, and would welcome your assistance. If you are active with a bar or have contacts you are willing to introduce to Georgetown Law, please contact Amy Jones Mattock (J.D. alumni) or (LL.M. alumni).