Many national security lawyers begin their careers in law firms, government, the military or Capitol Hill, and later develop an expertise in national security law issues. An alternate path is to work for a defense contractor or consulting firm. In the public sector national security and intelligence lawyers often work at federal agencies including the Department of Justice and the CIA, the military and in non-profits, including research think tanks. In the private sector, a national security lawyer might help clients navigate governmental restrictions regarding finance, trade and procurement.

What to do if you are interested in National Security Law?

Georgetown Law Courses

National Security Surveillance
Congressional Investigations and Modern Day Inquiry
Federal White Collar Crime
International Criminal Law
Global Revolutions, Civic Activism, and Civil Society
International Law, National Security, and Human Rights
Managing National Security

Georgetown Law Seminars

Cyber and National Security: Current Issues Seminar
Judicial Review of Military Justice Proceedings: Current Issues and Constitutional Perspectives
National Security in Theory Seminar
National Security Lawyering Seminar
Strategic Intelligence and Public Policy Seminar

Helpful National Security Law Resources

Representative employers