Child Advocacy/Juvenile Justice
The practice of juvenile justice and child advocacy law is interdisciplinary, incorporating criminal law, constitutional law, administrative law, education law, mental health law, disability law, immigration law, conditions of confinement, and public benefits law. Children’s rights and juvenile justice lawyers provide legal defense and protection of children by addressing their social welfare, health, education, and special needs.
What do Juvenile Justice lawyers do?
Specific areas of children’s rights practice include child abuse and neglect, child trafficking and labor exploitation and foster care and adoption. Children’s rights lawyers work in a range of practice areas, including direct representation via Legal Aid/Legal Services offices, non-profit organizations that advocate on behalf of children through impact litigation and legislative initiatives, government, including local, state, and federal agencies and the courts and private, public interest law firms. Juvenile justice lawyers may work in public defender agencies or legal services non-profits, or in non-profit organizations working on policy and impact litigation around youth involved in the criminal justice system.
What to do if you are interested in Juvenile Justice/Child Advocacy Law?
Georgetown Law Courses
Family law II: Child, Parent and the State
Education Law: School Reform
Education Law: Civil Rights and Liberties
Immigration law and Policy
Race and American Law
Criminal Law
Advanced Criminal Procedure
Georgetown Law Clinics
Juvenile Justice Clinic
Domestic Violence Clinic
Georgetown Law Seminars
Family Law Seminar: Children of LGBT Parents
International Migration, Mobility and Human Rights Seminar
Representing Delinquent Youth from Incarceration through Re-entry (practicum)
Helpful Juvenile Justice/Child Advocacy Law Resources
- ABA Center on Children and the Law
- ABA Section of Litigation: Children’s Rights Litigation
- Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Harvard Specialty Guide: Children’s Rights Law, A Career Guide
- Children’s Rights and Juvenile Law
Employer Directories
- American Bar Association Directory of Children’s Law Programs
- Children’s Rights List of Child Welfare Organizations
- Georgetown Youth Advocacy Internship Guide
- National Center for Youth Law Links and Referrals
Internships and Fellowship Programs
Representative Employers
- Center for Children’s Law and Policy
- DC Children’s Law Center
- First Star
- Human Rights Project for Girls
- Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
- Mobilization for Justice
- National Center for Youth Law
- National Juvenile Defender Center
- U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section
- Voices for America’s Children