
Recent News

Deborah Archer, ACLU President and Associate Dean and Professor of Clinical Law at NYU, presented the keynote talk at a Georgetown Law symposium on legal clinics and racial justice.

ACLU President Challenges Law School Clinics to Push for Systemic Change and Racial Justice

March 13, 2023 Campus News Civil Rights & Antidiscrimination Clinics Faculty Impacting Change Our Alumni Public Interest & Community Service Race & Law

Some ninety professors, activists, students, lawyers and other stakeholders from across the country gathered at Georgetown Law March 3 for a day-long symposium titled “Promoting Justice: Advancing Racial Equity through Student Practice in Legal Clinics…

Students and fellows in the Week One course "Questioning Witnesses" practice their deposition skills.

In ‘Week One’ Experiential Classes, Students Get to Ask the Questions

January 25, 2023 Campus News Our Alumni

The first year of law school is famously dedicated to mastering legal doctrine and distinguishing fact patterns in casebooks – from contracts to torts to civil procedure. While the work is foundational, it’s still a few degrees of separation from real-world law. But at Georgetown Law, every January, 1L students have the chance to spend a few days getting a sneak peek at law as it’s actually practiced.

"My Life as an Artist" by LeRoi Johnson (L'74)

In Law and in Art, LeRoi Johnson (L’74) is ‘Living in Color’

January 10, 2023 Our Alumni

Though he’s been a practicing lawyer ever since his graduation from Georgetown Law nearly 50 years ago, painting has been a lifelong passion for LeRoi C. Johnson (L’74). He started creating art when he was five years old, began painting in high school and has continued ever since.

For the Class of 2020, a belated chance to celebrate graduation together

Georgetown Law ‘20 and ‘21 Grads Return to Celebrate

June 10, 2022 Campus News Our Alumni

For the two recent Georgetown Law classes whose graduations were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the “Celebration Weekend” held in early June wasn’t a substitute commencement, nor was it an out-of-sync reunion. It was a welcome chance to revisit campus, reminisce about the not-so-old days – and, of course, raise a glass with good friends.