
LL.M. Notre Dame Law School 2013 (Magna Cum Laude); Master in Law  University of Alicante, 2016 (with honors), LL.B. Rafael Landivar University, 2010 (Magna cum Laude).

Faculty Advisor
Robin West

Areas of Study
Jurisprudence, Philosophy, International Human Rights Law.

Christian’s research project, tentatively entitled “Are Human Rights Always Right? Assessing the Limits of Human Rights Law to Indigenous Justice Systems,” seeks to explore the dilemma of balancing the universality of rights vs. pluralism in the interaction of international human rights with indigenous justice systems. It will examine several tensions between indigenous justice systems and international human rights law, in issues such as guarantees of due process and women’s rights, to determine when should human rights prevail over indigenous justice systems and when they should accommodate indigenous perspectives.

In addition to his doctoral studies at Georgetown, Christian is an attorney at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights where he is in charge of drafting decisions of cases at the Merit stage involving human rights violations by States of the Americas. He also litigates cases before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights when the Merits reports have not been fully observed by States.