

Dual-degree B.L.S. & LL.B., University of Mumbai, 2016 (Second Class Honours); LL.M., University of Virginia School of Law, 2017 (Top 5% of Class)

Faculty Advisor
Yvonne Tew

Areas of Study
Comparative Constitutional Law; Constitutional Theory; Human Rights Law

Neil’s scholarly interests traverse, broadly- Indian constitutional law, comparative constitutional law, and human rights law. His dissertation explores and attempts to situate the scope of transformative constitutionalism, as it is currently employed by constitutional courts in India, South Africa, and Colombia. While the project is centered around its application in the Indian context, a particular focus includes examining the effect of this doctrine on the separation of powers and institutional legitimacy.

Prior to joining the program, Neil assisted two judges at the Bombay High Court, and thereafter a judge at the Supreme Court of India for an extended period of time. He also served as visiting researcher at the law school in 2019-20, immediately before joining the SJD program.